Community Heritage Preservation Grant Program
Gets Funding in the 2020 Legislative Session
Thank you Mississippi Legislature
During the 2020 Legislative Session, legislators allocated funding for the Community Heritage Preservation Grant Program. This important preservation program was first established in 2001 and has provided more than $48 million dollars to help restore over 300 schools, courthouses and other historic properties located in Certified Local Government communities.
The Mississippi Department of Archives and History is currently reviewing applications to the Community Heritage Grant Program. Grant awards will be made during the December 4th meeting of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History Board of Trustees. To learn more about the Community Heritage Preservation Grant Program, contact the Mississippi Department of Archives and History at (601) 576-6952 or
The Old Water and Light Plant in Holly Springs received a $151,086 Community Heritage Preservation Grant in 2019 to install a new roof and address structural issues. Once fully restored, the building will become an event space and offices for the City of Holly Springs.
The Scott-Ford Houses in Jackson, listed as one of Mississippi’s 10 Most Endangered Historic Places in 2017, received a $30,025 grant for stabilization from the Community Heritage Preservation Grant Program in 2019. Long term plans for the houses include a museum dedicated to telling the story of African American midwives in the Farish Street neighborhood.